Monday, November 3, 2008

Welcome to the Hoffman Site!

Fall cleaning began in earnest this weekend and I ran across last year's Holiday letter. It occurred to me that we wait until December to catch all those that we love up on our daily activities and lives. In a panic, I realized that it may take a book this year to fill even our close family in on what we have "been up to" With 2 kids, 2 dogs, 2 jobs, 2 houses, and activities to go with each, a yearly card just doesn't seem to do the job that we need it to do. There is also that guilt that goes with not ever being able to get those phone calls in to catch up with those that we wish we just had 5 tiny minutes to say hey, howdy, hi or what's up. OK, if you're on Troy's list it goes hey y'all, Ni how, and whatever the Thai word was for hello. So, in an attempt to keep those we love caught up in our lives, not take time from those who equally don't have 5 minutes to chat on the phone, and allow family and friends to check in with the speed growing Hoffman children at their own time and pace, we thought this blog might be a good idea all around. So, for family and friends, Welcome! Troy, Cole, Shelby and I hope this helps keep us in touch a little more often!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A great idea to keep folks informed. A lady that works for me does something similar to this with her whole extended family. In an increasingly disconnected world, kudos to you for making some connections! Just be ready for the rest of us out here to bug you teach us how to set one of these things up!

Also - your email announcing this went straight into my spam folder. Don't know why, as your normal messages (OK, normal for you) come thru fine. So might want to send a regular message to folks to make sure they got the announcement.

And by the say, that pic of you/Troy looks familiar... GOL?
