Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Next Michael Phelps!

Our town started a swim club this year for the first time. Prior to this, we had signed Cole up for swim lessons this summer at the local high school in order to keep him from drowning. He has no body fat, so there's no hope of him floating. So for 8 days this summer he went from swim to football. I figured for 8 days it wouldn't kill him. Then we got the news that a new swim club was starting. Thinking, OK we've done football, soccer, basketball why not try swimming. Not having a ton of info about this, we went ahead and signed up and then realized that this was a 4 day a week endeavor. So bless my father for shuttling my son around 4 days a week, because between 2 jobs and 2 kids, neither Troy nor I cold manage this feat. Going to the initial practices, I have to admit, swim club wasn't looking promising, some of those kids made me want to throw life preservers in the pool! However I have to admit I underestimated the little man. .Not only can he tackle kids twice his size (OK maybe 3 times his size), but I think he might actually make it through the season (which runs from October - March) and be good!

Troy and I were excited to leave the world of insane football parents and go off to what we thought would be more civilized meets in swimming. OK - we were way wrong. Children should be allowed to have their meets/games/matches free from parents who are so consumed about winning and losing that whatever common sense they had before, leaves them at the event. I have heard more cussing, swearing, rude and nasty comments during children's sporting events than I have heard during pro-football games! Seriously folks, these kids are 8. Get a good book, newspaper, grab some wine in a cup, sit down and hang out.

Did I mention that Cole has to be to these swim meets at 7am and most of them are at least an hour away? The only thing that makes it totally worth it is seeing his cute little legs and his swim hat on! I'm going to attempt to enclose a video from the last meet.

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