Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Cards Take 3

I bought them. Yes, I broke. I bought Christmas cards you could slide a picture in at Wal-Mart. $5.00 was never so easy to spend. Did I mention I had enough until Troy ran the other ones through the printer. Sadly, I also like them. They're red and black velvet. They're a little more sophisticated than this year's picture, but they will be out in the mail this week. Amen and Hallelujah they are done. Let there be peace in our home. Yes, Eric, I am aware yours will be in the mail tomorrow. You also have beautiful children that smile happily on cue.

BTW- Cross your fingers we have 2 hours left on our first ebay bid. I cannot be responsible if Troy doesn't win.

In other weekend news our precious daughter has taken to running from the table with food in her mouth and spitting it as she runs. Lovely. This too shall pass. I'd take a picture of it but it is rather disgusting.

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