Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Joy in our life

"Happiness is a warm puppy." Charles Shultz

She came to us when a friend went to look at her at a local shelter and called me to say, I think this is your dog.  My husband disagreed, but he went to see her at my constant nagging.  Joy was already a celebrity. She had been featured on the front page of our local paper with a story that she had been abused and had a broken pelvis.

This was our first introduction to Joy.
When we arrived at the shelter, they explained she was in her own special pen to keep her from running or jumping to help her pelvis heal. They also explained that a man had brought her to the humane society (that only took cats) and told them if they didn't take her, he would just go kill her. They quickly agreed as they could tell she had been injured. The vet stated he thought she may have been pregnant and her owner had kicked her to kill the babies. They were nervous about how she would react to men and children.
Troy went in to the pen first. She rolled over on her back and that was it. Troy scooped her up and said lets get her home.

She's a daddy's girl.
She's been on our couch ever since. I saw her chase a a ball once. Only once. Mostly her entire purpose in life is to be catered to and soak up love. If she could potty in the house, her feet would never touch grass.

You'll notice there is no collar. She doesn't like them. It is rare she leaves the house!

A majority of pics we have for her are on the couch. She seems to think it is beneath her to sit on the floor.

She serves as an arm rest/pillow for the kids, snuggle partner for Troy and constant source of noise for me. She is the first one to go upstairs to bed on Cole's couch at night, she is the last one up in the morning when we have to drag her off the couch and herd her outside. The is the first to bark until she is fed and the last one to get their snack at night. She does not appreciate me talking on the phone and will bark until I hang it up. I have to go outside to have a quiet conversation.

The picture above was a perfectly sunny day.
Beautiful, warm and dry. the other children were in the yard.

She's a daddy's girl. She is very clear about it. I am just here to take care of her every whim until he comes homes at night.

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