Cole announced as he was leaving the house this morning that by the way, he had a school play tonight and needed to be in costume for the event. Nothing like waiting till the last minute huh? So tonight, we get home I'm trying to get Cole in a pair of shorts, t-shirt and hat. He is supposed to dress like a tourist on vacation. I pick out a sombrero, and two pairs of mouse ears. He has a melt down. If Cole could blend into a wall he would. I think he would rather have surgery than sing in front of anyone ever. So, it wasn't hard to spot my precious boy in the play among all the kids. We was the one not smiling, singing or dancing. But he did deliver his lines loudly and flawlessly and Troy and I about fell over in shock!
So Way to go Cole! Please note that we seriously doubt you will ever see this kid on Broadway.
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