Sunday, July 10, 2011


"The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all."
Walt Disney Company

Those that are close to us are aware of the hole outside my back deck.
It was going to be a pool.
Life got in the way.

Doesn't it always?

It's was easy for a while to focus on the hole.
To be angry at what wasn't there.
To get irritated at all that got in the way of the goals and dreams.
It got to be an annoyance.
I wanted it gone, filled in, fixed, seeded.

How embarrassing
this hole in my yard
in my life
Seriously.. the hole has been there through
Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.

There was no longer even a plan for this hole.
It was just empty dirt.
Weeds grew.. I quit trying to control it.
and then this...

It wasn't my plan.
It wasn't my goal.
We threw lots of bird seed outside this winter.
Birds like sunflower seeds.

Who knew that something so bad...
could grow beauty.
If only I allowed it to grow.
If only I gave up on "my plan"
If only I allowed myself to let go.